Uganda - Buzira
Uganda - Buzira
In our first full year of roasting coffee; one of our most popular offerings all year was a delightfully full bodied Ugandan coffee from our importing partner and friends at Agri Evolve.
This year, we've picked out two very special offerings, one a washed process, and the other, a natural process - both with differing yet complex flavour notes. Second up on the menu, is this delightfully clean and subtle offering, Buzira.
Buzira is a community of small holder producers, in the southern part of the Kasese District, very close to the Nyabirongo Washing Station, operated by Agri Evolve. The team at Agri Evolve have been very involved with Buzira, in fact, commissioning and establishing a clean water supply to Buzira, back in 2020.
At Nyabirongo Washing Station; Buzira is processed as a 'washed process' - in which it is initially fermented in water tanks for up to 24 hours, and then washed, resulting in the removal of the cherry, but leaving what is called 'parchment' in the speciality coffee industry; green coffee with most of the mucilage left attached. This parchment is then left to dry on raised beds before being hulled, graded and then bagged up. Buzira is very sweet and clean, with a defined acidity - notes of Grapefruit, Mango and Milk Chocolate.
Process: Washed
Location: Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Altitude: 1600 - 2000 MASL
Flavour Notes: Grapefruit, Mango and Milk Chocolate
Roast Level: Medium
Varietal: Heirloom / SL14 / SL28
Agri Evolve is a social enterprise managed in the UK by Jonny, Beth and Martin Rowland (Martin is located less than 10 miles away from our roastery!). The aim of the project is educate farmers and new generation farmers, managing a green sustainable social project. You can read more about the work done at Agri Evolve and ACE 2030 here.
For every kilogram of Buzira we buy, 40p is donated automatically to local communities in the Rwenzori Mountains for their community fund to help with living standards and essential purchases.